Pool Operations Contractor – 2022 Season

Tunstall Bay Community Association operates a private commercial pool for its membership and guests from May to September.  Located on a 5-acre waterfront property in Tunstall Bay, the pool is a prominent TBCA amenity and is very well-used by all ages for five months each year.  The Pool Operations Contractor takes full responsibility for the maintenance, testing and safety compliance of the pool, and ensures it is in safe working order.  This is a part-time, contract position with flexible hours as required, with pool start-up and preparation being the main focus in April/May.  On-site training will be provided and a Pool Operator’s Level 1 Course will be funded for the successful applicant.  The Pool Operator will manage a small volunteer committee that assists with water testing, and will train and liaise with an assistant, part-time on-call Pool Operator.  The Pool Operations Contractor reports to the TBCA Board of Directors.

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February Bulletin

Boathouse Kayak Racks:

The kayak rack in front of the boathouse has been repaired, with a stiffener added that will make it more resilient if we have similar waves/tides. It has also been moved closer to the boathouse to get it further out of reach of waves and driftwood, but the effect of this is that there may need to be some minor clearing if your boat is on the bottom rack to allow it to fit.

Personally, I would not be so keen on the bottom rack as any boats there will be particularly exposed if/when we have a recurrence of these extremely high tides coupled with an onshore wind.

Thanks to the sole volunteer, Lindsey Tourand, for his assistance in effecting the repair.

David Smith
Waterfront Director

Membership News:

A huge thank you to all TBCA members for your patience and sportsmanship as we steer ourselves through these Covid times.  Fingers crossed for this year!

Please keep your eyes open for the date of our AGM in April. We will send an email and post it on our website and at the clubhouse. It would be great to have a good turn out and hear from our membership as we move forward. The position of Social Director is open on the board. If you are interested please contact our in-term chair, David Smith at waterfront@tunstallbay.com.

This month we will be processing fobs. Once the fobs are processed you will need to use your fob to access the facilities as the code on the gates will be changed. We will set  a few dates and times for you to collect new or repaired fobs from a volunteer at the TBCA clubhouse.

The deadline for dues is March 31st. If you have not received an invoice, please let us know. (The volunteer deposit was raised this year, so if you did your ten or more hours and wonder why there is a slight charge the extra goes to your deposit and carries forward year by year.)

If you have any questions feel free to contact me at Membership@tunstallbay.org

Here’s to a great 2022 season,
Linda Carson
TBCA Membership Director